Politics doesn’t have to be confusing.

Or depressing.

We’re living in a time when trust in the media has plummeted to historic lows. The numbers are even worse among members of Gen Z, very few of whom are turning to traditional publications to get their news and information.

The sense that the media is biased is pervasive; at this point, very few outlets command the respect of both sides of the aisle. At the same time, our civics scores are dropping; many Americans (of all ages) don’t know key facts about our political system or its history.

Gen Z journalist Gabe Fleisher founded Wake Up To Politics to address both of these problems, and to provide a place where people of all political stripes could come to, not to be told how to think — but to understand how their government worked.

WUTP doesn’t yell and scream at you. Our goal every morning is to calmly explain the latest political developments and put them in a broader context. It’s understandable and accessible for all ages — which is why we count everyone from high school students to members of Congress among our 45,000 daily readers.

Wake Up To Politics is also proud to highlight the nitty-gritty pieces of legislation (most of them bipartisan!) that other outlets often neglect. In addition to the daily newsletter — which offers reporting and analysis to help you wade through the latest news from D.C. — every Friday, WUTP offers a reported look at the under-the-radar bills that make their way through Congress each week.

About Gabe.

Wake Up To Politics was founded by award-winning journalist Gabe Fleisher in 2011. He started the daily email with one subscriber: his mom. More than a decade later, the newsletter has become appointment reading for top politicians, media executives, and readers in all 50 states and dozens of foreign countries.

Along the way, Gabe has reported from inside the Supreme Court and the grounds of Camp David, scooped a presidential run, covered the White House superspreader event, and interviewed political figures from Jill Stein to Sandra Day O’Connor.

He was also named one of the 50 most influential American Jews of 2019 by The Forward and given the Horace Mann Friend of Education Award by the Missouri NEA for his year-long podcast series produced by St. Louis Public Radio.

Gabe has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and C-SPAN to offer political analysis and has been profiled in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and other news outlets. He has also written for POLITICO Magazine, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Columbia Journalism Review.

How can I reach Gabe?

You can email Gabe at gabe@wakeuptopolitics.com. He’s also @WakeUp2Politics on Twitter and @WakeUpToPolitics on Facebook or Instagram.

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Author of Wake Up To Politics. Proud Missouri native now reporting from Washington, D.C.