So glad you used resilience instead of stubborn today. Frankly, anything that comes out of the NYT about Biden is suspect. Been an avid reader for some 20 years and my husband for 45 years. Per the NYT Biden can’t do anything right or right enough.

You’re not old enough to remember McGovern replacing Eagleton with Shriver for VP candidate but it was a total disaster. All the handwringing and panicking isn’t helping at all. Biden still has time to show us his stuff and napping is not a crime. And why the hell is it even news.

But then dems are a lot of different folks under one big tent and maybe a couple of auxiliaries. We are not monolithic like the MAGA crowd. So we will have our kerfufful and then get down to business. If the media would quit beating the dump drum to sell papers or otherwise make money, this would have been over already.

Everyday dems are not leaving Biden in droves (even per the polls you shared without the error range I would add) unlike the intelligencia that makes working class dems consider the dark place their heads are stuck up.

There is no plan B and frankly I’ve heard lots of names other than Harris being tossed around because go figure the media has consistently found her wanting too and what would that do to the democratic base.

So unless Biden makes an announcement to the contrary, I’m voting for Joe period end of story. He has been and will continue to be one of the best presidents in my lifetime and I was not a fan then. But he has proven to be better at this job even with narrower congressional margins than most others in my lifetime and I remember Eisenhower.

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Gabe previously noted that Biden would need to show that he was on top of things by doing interviews, press conferences, etc. After a huge Supreme Court decision yesterday, Biden makes a brief statement, but then declines to take questions--he missed a perfect opportunity to help dispell concerns.

Trump is a smart guy. He does not need to pick a MAGA-breathing radical as a VP-think how he picked Pence to appeal to the evangelicals-Trump can try to win over middle of the roaders by picking a calmer MAGA VP, plus he can tone down his rhetoric and let a small percentage of the middle come to his side.

In my opinion, for Biden to have a chance, he has to (1) take the blame for the debate-the buck stops here-no throwing a make up person under the bus, (2) clarify who his advisers are-is he really taking advice only from family? (3) changes to the campaign leadership, (4) where are his surrogates and Harris on the campaign trail? (5) a lot more focus on Trump's plans, (6) a lot more focus on down ballot elections to give Dems some hope that at either the House or Senate will not go MAGA

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Biden is going to drop out. The only question is when. I wrote a piece called It’s Time, Mr. President at Substack.com/@markmansour please take a look. It addresses what could happen once he leaves.

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Yes, I do think he picked the perfect time, right after the GOP convention so the take away was “that was a big waste!” Maybe they should have had some policies so they’re actually running for the office and not just against Joe?

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I am really surprised that Biden is living in "la-la-land" about his capabilities. While he has been pretty successful over the past four years, I just don't understand how he can possibly keep that up for 4 1/2 more years. We are already getting explanations of good and bad days, having jet lag 11 days after travel and so on. It not about getting back up and fighting, one cannot fight death. He needs to protect his legacy and quit while he's ahead.

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This is a really helpful summation, Gabe, as ever! I was definitely disappointed by Biden's debate performance, and even a little alarmed, but I also saw Trump show up as committed as ever to being an evasive lying blowhard who would happily trade democracy for autocracy as long as he gets to brand it. No one is less competent to be president than Donald Trump. He is literally--not figuratively, actually literally--a deranged megalomaniac billionaire villain. And the fact is, President Biden has led a very effective administration that has gotten a lot of real work done. I would like them to spend more time talking about that and less time getting salty about people noticing that the president embarrassed himself. So he embarrassed himself. If President Biden remains the nominee, I'll still vote for him. And If Kamala Harris were to end up being the nominee, I'd vote for her, just as I voted for her four years ago to take the reins if something were to happen to Biden. When I do the math, really nothing's changed.

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BTW Jarred Golden is one of the most republican democrats elected. He has won in his district even though trump has won that district by double digits. And he’s getting a ton of blowback (from republicans and democrats) for also saying that he’s ok with trump winning. He is not the most politically astute guy to be looking to for democratic understanding (I live in Maine but in The 1st district)..

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In the days post debate, we could have been talking about how radical some of his opponent’s plans are. Instead…..

If Biden stays in and wins, we’d effectively be electing Harris anyway, since she would need to take over sometime in the next 5 years.

Harris + ? should get a chance.

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An excellent exposition of where we are-which is no man’s land. I’ve done a piece looking at what might come for the nominating process if Biden leaves. See it and subscribe if you are inclined at @markmansour

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It seems to me that the election is at a crossroads following the debate. Trump added some strength in the polling, but Biden did not fall as far as some might have thought and seems to be rallying support. So, what would move the needle? Of the standard list of possible Trump VP candidates, does anyone bring any votes? Or, what could Biden do to turn his campaign around? Looking at it from the outside, it seems like the answer for each would be bringing on Kennedy as the VP nominee. For Trump, he would bring on a lot votes essentially clinching a win and perhaps a landslide. For Biden, it would make a win more likely securing his legacy. For Harris under a deal to become Attorney General, for example, she would become more relevant than she would be as a former VP like a Dan Quayle. For Kennedy, he goes from spoiler to next in line for the Presidency if Trump or Biden can't do the job, to being the front-runner for 2028, and to maybe having a seat at the table for issues of importance to him. For Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy's VP pick, she could be promised a senior cabinet slot if she is interested. Harris should be pushing for this now. News reports from April were that Trump was talking with Kennedy then. Kennedy should be reaching out to both campaigns. Politics make strange bedfellows. It will be interesting to either. Looks like a win-win for somebody.

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Stubborn doesn’t move in any direction. As you, highlighted, resilience is the key.

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All the controversy is at least giving the dems some publicity. If you believe Mr. Barnam, there is no such thing as bad publicty. However, Biden did look weak, pale and confused during the debate and it was hard to walk away with confidence in him. Don't they have access to make up artists? A little color would have gone a long way. It seems like part of the discussion is whether or not V.P. Harris is up to the task should Biden step aside. Maybe replaceing her on the ticket is a stop gap, although that would be tricky.

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What if Biden ran as VP to Harris as President. Keep him inside but less relevant.

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Is anyone directing the government at this point or has everyone gotten so involved in finger pointing that priorities have been lost? It's hard for me as a committed Democrat to feel confidence in a group of self appointed experts churning out opinions like headless chickens

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