Wake Up To Politics - September 11, 2015
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Friday, September 11, 2015It's Friday, September 11, 2015, I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from WUTP world HQ in my bedroom - Good morning: THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL!!!
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The Day Politics Takes a Break
Politics takes a break on September 11th, and that’s the way it should be. I need not print an explanation of the events of 9/11, for they are seared into the minds of most Americans. But, on this date – seared into our minds as well – it is important to simply take a break.
9/11 should not be a day of politics and partisanship, it should be a day of remembrance, and most politicians honor that. Here’s how the different sectors of my normal political coverage are honoring the Break from Politics today:
White House Watch At exactly 8:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time – when the first hijacked plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center – President Barack Obama, his wife First Lady Michelle Obama, and the entirety of the White House staff, some 500 individuals, will gather on the South Lawn of the White House for a moment of silence.
Later in the day, President Obama will “honor the sacrifices of our troops and their families” with a town hall in Fort Meade, Maryland with service men and women.
Vice President Joe Biden will also attend a ceremony marking the 9/11attacks, at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in Manhattan, New York.
Capitol Hill News On the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Capitol building will also go quiet at 8:46 AM, as all inhabitants – members of Congress, staff, and visitors – overserve a moment of silence.
That’s quite a powerful image: both sides of Pennsylvania, normally loud and at odds, will be joined in silence for 60 seconds this morning.
2016 Central Many presidential candidates will take a break from campaigning today. The few exceptions will be events honoring 9/11, including an observance in Londonderry Town Hall, where Jeb Bush will speak and then, along with members of American Legion Post 27, guests, students, and members of the public, read the names of 2,977 victims.
#NeverForget In honor of the 13th anniversary of the events of 9/11/2001, I would like to re-offer my thoughts from this day last year on remembrance and the Social Media Generation (including me) who don’t remember 9/11 but will hopefully #NeverForget. Here is my piece.
In addition, I wanted to share this photo, widely circulated on social media yesterday, of a rainbow originating from the World Trade Center:
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