Presidential Madness - The Championship Begins
Presidential Madness - The Championship Begins
In one corner, we have No. 16, six foot four and weighing in at 180 pounds, hailing from Kentucky - the Great Emancipator...Abraham Lincoln!!!
And in this corner, No. 32 sits fearless in his wheelchair at six foot two and 188 pounds, from the great state of New York - the Sphinx...Franklin Delllllllano Roosevelt!!!
That's right folks, we have arrived at the Presidential Madness championship match: Lincoln vs. FDR, for all the marbles. These two greats face off for the highest honor imaginable...congratulations in an edition of Wake Up To Politics (!)
Voting will go until Monday night, when the NCAA basketball competition will occur, and then the Champion-in-Chief will be crowned. You can vote in FOUR different ways for your choice of President: emailing me (, voting in the survey here, in the survey at the bottom of my website's Presidential Madness page (!presidential-madness/c1fom), or on Twitter with #TeamLincoln or #TeamFDR
The bracket, created by the National Constitution Center, has been updated and can be seen below!
Happy Voting,
Gabe Fleisher
Wake Up To Politics