Wake Up To Politics Podcast: Quarantine campaigning
Wake Up To Politics Podcast: Episode #6
How do you run for president during a global pandemic?
In the latest episode of the Wake Up To Politics Podcast, I interview top aides from both presidential campaigns — Trump principal deputy communications director Erin Perrine and Biden rapid response director Andrew Bates — to answer that question.
Perrine and Bates will take you inside their virtual campaigns, discuss how coronavirus will impact voter decisions in November, and break down how their teams are staying connected during the coronavirus. (Did you know the Biden campaign holds a nightly dance party over Google Hangout?)
You can listen (and subscribe) now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, or Stitcher! As always, if you have any feedback on this episode or topics we should cover next: please reply to this email or leave a review on the podcast platform of your choice.
Also, for parents and teachers: this episode — and the previous ones — are great resources to show your students while they're learning at home! I'm incredibly proud that the podcast was honored with the 2020 Horace Mann Friend of Education Award by the Missouri National Education Association, and hope that listeners of all ages find the show engaging and informative.
More reading on the virtual campaign:
"This is Joe Biden’s biggest moment. Why does he feel so small?" (Washington Post)
"Trump’s Socially Distanced Campaign" (New York Magazine)
"How Coronavirus Will Blow Up the 2020 Campaign" (Politico)
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