Wake Up To Politics - March 11, 2014 - TAKE TWO
Read #TodaysWake Up here. <-----
Agh! Sent wrong link with email this morning! Today's REAL Wake Up is above, as opposed to the on from February 25 (which you can read in my email of this morning). Sorry about this - hopefully, tomorrow, I will have, you know, tomorrow's Wake Up.
Big election in Florida's 13th could show directions of the country ahead of the midterms (BTW you won't see this is in this morning's Wake Up, but Republican David Jolly has won the election. Look for that in tomorrow's edition); President Obama declares a new national monument, and then goes off to fundraiser; and trivia: It's Tuesday, March 11, 2014, I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from Brittany Woods Middle School in University City, MO - THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL (at night)!