Wake Up To Politics - December 2, 2013
GOOD MORNING! Obamacare Website now usable for for 50,000 at once, President marks World AIDS Day, Mr. Smith returns to Washington?, A Philly nurse saves Washington's life, the Monroe Doctrine, and McCarthy censured: It's Monday, December 2, 2013 - HAPPY DECEMBER AND HARRY REID'S BIRTHDAY - I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from Brittany Woods Middle School in University City, MO - THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL.
Read the Wake Up here.
Gabe FleisherEditor-in-ChiefWake Up To Politicswakeuptopolitics@gmail.comFollow me on Twitter (@WakeUp2Politics) here.Read more in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch here, in the Clayton High School Globe here,and on NPR here.