Wake Up To Politics - December 19, 2013
GOOD MORNING! Longtime Montana Sen. to be appointed China Amb, reports say; Budget deal passed by Senate, goes to Obama's desk, and trivia answer: It's Thursday, December 19, 2013, I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from Brittany Woods Middle School in University City, MO - and THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL.
Read the Wake Up here. Wake Up Winter Break We are coming to that time when Wake Up To Politics will not be sent because of Winter Break. Tomorrow, we are having an early-release day at school, which means there will be no 1st period, when I write most of the Wake Up. SO, I think this is the end until Monday, January 6. I will send an email tomorrow making sure everybody knows that. Have a great Winter Break, and I'll be back in 2014!!!!! Gabe Fleisher
Editor-in-ChiefWake Up To Politics