Wake Up To Politics - December 17, 2013
GOOD MORNING! Judge rules on NSA phone program, Ryan-Murray Budget Deal to advance in Senate, Chamber confirms Jeh Johnson as DHS Secy, Obama talks HealthCare.gov, NSA with tech CEOs, and the real reason behind the Boston Tea Party (which was 240 years ago): It's Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - a Wright Brothers Day edition (the anniversary they first took flight), I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from Brittany Woods Middle School in University City, MO - THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL.
Read the Wake Up here. Gabe Fleisher
Editor-in-ChiefWake Up To Politicswakeuptopolitics@gmail.comFollow me on Twitter (@WakeUp2Politics) here.Read more in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch here, in the Clayton High School Globe here, on NPR here, in Politico here, and on St. Louis Public Radio here.