Wake Up To Politics - December 11, 2015
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Friday, December 11, 2015
52 Days until the Iowa Caucuses
333 Days Until Election Day 2016 I'm Gabe Fleisher for Wake Up To Politics, and reporting from WUTP world HQ in my bedroom - Good morning: THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL!!!
To send me questions, comments, tips, new subscribers, and more: email me at wakeuptopolitics@gmail.com. To learn more about WUTP and subscribe, visit the site: wakeuptopolitics.com, or like me on Twitter and Facebook. More ways to engage with WUTP at the bottom. Capitol Hill News
House to Pass CR; Omnibus May Be Out Monday With the government set to run out of funding at midnight tonight, the Senate voted Thursday to approve a continuing resolution (CR) that keeps federal agencies open through Wednesday.
The House will also rush to pass the CR (titled the “Further Continuing Appropriations Act”) today to ensure that the government does not shut down, giving congressional negotiators more time to hash out an omnibus spending deal.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) said Thursday that his “hope and expectation” is that a $1.1 trillion omnibus package, combined with expiring tax extensions, will be unveiled Monday.
If a deal is reached by Monday, House passage of the omnibus would likely occur on Tuesday: meaning the Senate will have just a day to pass the deal before the stopgap measure runs out Wednesday.
That may not be enough time for the upper chamber to ram the spending bill through its many procedures.
“Well, if we have to go through the regular procedures, it could take up to eight days,” Sen. Cornyn said Thursday. “So it’s obviously going to take a little cooperation unless people want to spend Christmas here.”
2016 Central
Today on the Trail Where are the 2016 presidential candidates on the campaign trail today?
New Hampshire Rand Paul (Rindge, Derry, Keene); Carly Fiorina (Manchester, Nashua, Exeter); John Kasich (Keene, Petersborough, Bedford); Chris Christie (Wolfeboro)
Iowa Ben Carson (Burlington, Moravia); Donald Trump (Des Moines)
Oklahoma Hillary Clinton (Tulsa)
Missouri Hillary Clinton (St. Louis)
White House Watch
The President’s Schedule President Obama has just one event on his schedule today: a 12:30pm lunch with Vice President Joe Biden.
Question of the Day
Answers! There are two questions I need to answer:
Thursday’s question: Who was the first American to receive a Nobel Prize?
Thursday’s answer: Theodore Roosevelt, recipient of the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his work ending the Russo-Japanese War.
Thursday’s winners: Jim Wilbat, Marlee Millman, and Brad Chotiner.
Half-credit: Steve Gitnik, Rep. Jeremey LaFaver, Joe Bookman, and @Jeromie_Oney (on Twitter) – who all incorrectly answered Albert A. Michelson, the first American to receive a Nobel Prize in the sciences, who took a 1907 Nobel Prize in Physics, one year after Roosevelt’s 1906 Peace Prize.
Wednesday’s question: What was the last state to ratify the 13th Amendment?
Thursday’s answer: Mississippi, which did not officially ratify the amendment abolishing slavery until 2013 (nearly 150 years after it was added to the Constitution).
Thursday’s winners: Andrew Arkills, Steve Gitnik, Randy Fleisher, Joe Bookman, and on Twitter: @deepamo, @KenWarnock, @GenMthinker!
Great job to all who answered the WUTP trivia this week!
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For more on Wake Up To Politics, listen to Gabe on NPR's "Talk of the Nation, the Political Junkie podcast, and St. Louis Public Radio; watch Gabe on MSNBC's "Up with Steve Kornacki, and read about Gabe in Politico, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Globe, and the St. Louis Jewish Light